My family

My family
Child of God, Mother, Wife, Sister, Daughter, Aunt, and friend

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Showing off my precious new Niece

Little girls are the BEST aren't they? My sister Lauren had her precious baby girl Ruby Jane on December 26th, and her very talented photographer friend was right there to snap a few very special moments the day they brought her home. I got to look at this yesterday, and was instantly in tears. What a treasure she is!
You can view these amazing shots here:


Victoria said...

So beautiful!!!!

Krystal Mann :: Mint & Sage said...

you're so sweet to comment on the blog! i had such a fun time doing these and so glad i could be a part of this precious time! :)

Krystal Mann :: Mint & Sage said...

any time and any time! :)