My family

My family
Child of God, Mother, Wife, Sister, Daughter, Aunt, and friend

Monday, February 25, 2008

Clouded Vision

I made this analogy last night when talking to someone that I love dearly. Many times in a Christian's born again lifetime, we will "back slide." We get too comfortable with status quo, or we don't challenge our faith anymore. In other words, we become stagnant. I believe that God desires nothing more from us, HIS children, then to have an unending thirst for HIS word and guidance. As time goes by without this, it creates a sort of film over our eyes, making worldly things not look quite as dangerous as they once did. This, I imagine, is how life looks for people suffering from cataracts. We must be careful to avoid this "clouded" vision of life.
I love this passage, because it just confirms that keeping our eyes and thoughts focused on HIS word will prevent "wandering" eyes.

Proverbs 17:24 "Sensible people keep their eyes glued on wisdom, but a fool’s eyes wander to the ends of the earth." (NLT)

May you be filled and blessed....



Lauren said...

You are speaking Truth sister! Amen! Love you for being such a faithful encourager.

Abiding in Him,

Anonymous said...


I'm catching up on blog reading and I loved this. I especially loved the photo that you used. When I look at it, it makes my eyes hurt because I can just imagine the film that you spoke of.

I want my eyes to hurt when I see something that is of no value or less than what He wants me to see!

Love you and I've missed you!


P.S. Miss that sister-in-law of mine, too. Gotta call her TODAY!!!

Victoria said...

What a great word picture! That's a wonderful tool to have when you are helping others to learn!