My family

My family
Child of God, Mother, Wife, Sister, Daughter, Aunt, and friend

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

23 weeks and counting...

Maybe it's because this was the first baby that we officially "tried" for, maybe it's because we suffered two losses during our 10 months of trying, but whatever the case, this pregnancy seems to be crawling by! I know I will be thankful for that fact at some point, but right now I just want to meet my sweet baby! Things are going very well, and I feel great! I have another ultrasound in a week and a half where, hopefully, the baby will cooperate and show us the goods! We tried about a month ago, and those little thighs were glued shut! I have complete nursery ideas picked out for a boy and a girl, and names are ready to go too! All we need to see now is which it will be! Here is a picture of me at 23 weeks (all dolled up for the gym!)

