My family

My family
Child of God, Mother, Wife, Sister, Daughter, Aunt, and friend

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Ultimate Provision

"Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God who richly provides us with everything ..." 1 Timothy 6:17

Well, once again, I am loving how God always knows just what I need to hear at exactly the right moment or season in my life. As most of you know, David is still without a job, and our total and complete dependence is on HIM to provide just the right opportunity for us. There's nothing like having no income, no insurance, and no clear path to put your faith to the test! I am so thankful for God's promises to us, HIS children, and am clinging to them, as well as the love and grace from my Heavenly Father. In these uncertain times, we should all be reminded that our foundation is not in any part made up of monetary stability, but of an awesome and merciful Father who loves us dearly and will never leave our sides and always provide just what we need! Amen!

Resting in HIM,



Victoria said...

Such a great passage, and a great encouragement to you all as you begin this journey!

Ali said...

Yes, a great passage indeed! One we should all cling to in these uncertain times. I just love how God gives us these encouragements at just the right season in our lives.....AWEsome!