My family

My family
Child of God, Mother, Wife, Sister, Daughter, Aunt, and friend

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sharing is what we're meant to do

"Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee."
Mark 5:19

There are many reasons we are to share our testimonies with others, but bottom line is that God asks us to do it. It doesn't get any more simple then that. In addition to following HIM in obedience, we will get a satisfaction that will warm our hearts when we do share. It reminds us that we were once without hope, and when we accepted the gift of salvation, our lives were transformed and renewed. Another thing that is so powerful about sharing our story with others is that it cannot be disproved. We live in a world where faith is frowned upon because there is no "proving" it. Well, the proof is in our lives! There isn't a soul on this planet that can tell me God doesn't exist, because through my story I can explain and see that I am now a different person with new desires. That is not is SUPERnatural! Amen?

My friend found this site that I think is pretty special. Won't you visit it? It's point is simple....




1 comment:

Janet said...

what an awesome site. Thanks for sharing it. I encourage everyone to take the time to watch the short video's